Good Practices while Raking

Raking is an excellent opportunity for Lakewood residents to exercise, but it’s not without risks. We’re always compassionate and eager to help at Kennedy Wellness, but a lot of the injuries we see were preventable. To help people start off their holiday season right and avoid wear-and-tear, we wanted to share some recommendations on yard work.

Any time we exercise or do labor we want to make sure we’re dressed for the job. Clothing should be warm, but breathable and flexible. It also should not have anything dangling from it, and people should remove jewelry and tie back their hair. Shoes should be well-supported, close-toed, and slip resistant.

The rake itself should be lightweight, but long enough for a person to use without needing to bend. When raking, stand next to the leaf pile with your feet in a scissor position and don’t lock your knees. You will probably need to switch which hand is higher on the handle about every five minutes. Don’t attempt to lift up leaves when they’re wet, or they’ll be too heavy. While filling the bag, test to see whether you can lift it comfortably before it is completely full. If you need to grab something to your side, rotate your entire body instead of twisting your thorax. A five minute warm-up before starting and a cool-down after you’ve finished will help you stay limber.

Dr. Nathan Kennedy runs Kennedy Wellness at 12211 W Alameda Pkwy Ste 101, Lakewood, Colorado, 80228. To schedule an appointment, call 303-322-5015 or visit Kennedy Shoulder Clinic.



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